«Long way home» (English)

Based on the song Long way home , by 5 Seconds of Summer. It was late at night; the sky was full of shining stars, and no clouds dared to hide that beautiful painting. Luke and Caroline were sitting in the middle of nowhere; in an isolated countryside surrounded by deep woods and a cliff that took their breath away. Behind the cliff, the ocean was wild and free, and that produced a sensation of nostalgia to the young couple. Every time they went to that place, the one that only they shared, they wondered if someday they could go through the limits and start over far away from their hometown; maybe in Tokyo or Nebraska. Luke stared at Caroline for a while and admired the little things that made her so special: the curl of her black bangs, her deep and mysterious brown eyes, her wide nose, her brown skin, her Nirvana T-shirt, her short and strong fingers, her black nails, and the wrinkles that framed the curve of her full lips. “What are you looking at?” asked Caroline, s...