March 27 - DAY 1

      Hi there, fallen angles!

    It's been a long time since I wrote something in the blog, but here I am again, ready for some typing action. I know, it has taken me a long time to come back, but the reason is that I wanted to write  posts about something that didn't have to do with reviews or my Erasmus experience. So I decided to start a new section~~ I took the idea from the book with the same title, edited by The Daily Post. Although the edition is from the 2014, we'll pretend it's from the 2017 and I'll basically write about something "everyday". Omg so strange so spooky. I say "everyday" because I don't think I'll keep a routine, but don't judge me beforehand :(( haha jk

      Aaaaand I'm also doing this because I'm procrastinating :') LET'S START (?)

Judgement day
If you were to judge your favorite book by its cover, would you still read it?

First things first, my favorite book is Hush, Hush. I know what you're thinking; I can see through your soul (?) There are many books which are more complex in content and in form. I'm 21 years old and I am supposed to read and enjoy more "mature" lectures such as Kafka's The Metamorphosis. I'm so sorry for breaking your judgements, but I still love this novel/saga about angels and two teenagers who fall in love (but don't be mistaken I don't like cheesy books). I'm 21 years old and I'm not ashamed at admitting that I'd read Hush, Hush over and over again. This book marked the beginning of an important period in my life, so it is very special to me. I could tell you the whole story behind it, but that'd make this post too long :') Maybe next time...

The second thing you should know is that I'm one of that hooorrible people who judge a book by its cover. I'M EVIL. Jk, it may be a not-so-cool habit, but I can't help it. Someone can tell me that a book is amazing and life-changing, but if its cover does not catch my attention, I won't probably read it - or it'll take me longer to read it. So, after the info I've given to you, you might guess what I'm going to write next: yes, I fell in love with Hush, Hush thanks to its cover. If I'm not mistaken, I discovered the book in fotolog (wow) because a girl I followed had written a review about it. The moment I saw the angel falling from the sky, his back arched, the black feathers flying next to his body, something clicked in my heart. I wanted to know more about the story, more about that mysterious fallen angel, more about E V E R Y T H I N G. An anecdote: the author of the post said that her favorite quote was, "Call me Patch. I mean it, call me," and in fact this is one of the things that also enchanted me. PATCH, BE THE FATHER OF MY CHILDREN.

So this book and especially its cover changed my life forever. They are also one of the reasons I created this blog, so YES, THE COVER AND THE STORY AND THE FALLEN ANGEL AND PATCH AND PATCH AGAIN ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO ME !!!!

     This has been the end of my first writing prompt. I hope you like it! :) And If I make mistakes PLEASE tell me haha. Thank you!

     Bye bye mi picolísima dama~~
     Suri Helyer


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