March 29 - DAY 3

Como ayer no tuve tiempo de escribir, hoy os traigo dos entradas. Estoy que me salgo :')
¡Espero que las disfrutéis!


Suri Helyer

Trading spaces

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a member of the opposite sex for a day? What do you think life would be like?

I don't think my personality would change: I'd support feminism, criticize animal cruelty and be a daydreamer. I'm sure I'd be obsessed over music, bands merch, cinema and literature. For sure I'd not shave myself because I'd be an idle guy. I'd still be insecure about my body and about everything in my life :') And I'd be afraid of much more things that I'm willing to admit. In fact, I'd be me but with male genitalia (?) I'd be a perfectionist and sensitive man.

Of course I'd wear bands t-shirts, lumberjack shirts and black pants. I'd walk "like a dude", carefree and confident, and with my friends I'd joke about love and hooking up. Wait. That's what I wear, how I walk and how I talk in my daily life...

I grew up with three older brothers; what else can I say?


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