March 28 - DAY 2

Happy happy joy joy

We cry for lots of reasons: sadness, pain, fear . . . and happiness. When was the last time you shed tears of joy?

I think the last time I cried of happiness was on March 10th. The reason was that I saw You Me At Six, one of my favorite bands, playing live. The truth is that I didn't know how to feel because I had waited six years (not that much tbh) for that day to come.

When I was at Sala Apolo in Barcelona listening to the songs and singing my heart out I couldn't even think straight. It felt like I was floating on a cloud, but at the same time I was perfectly conscious that my feet were touching the ground and that my throat was torn open. Then they sang my favorite song, which is pretty moving, and I just realized where I was, and that I had my second-first favorite band right in from of my eyes. I was *askjdkadj* happy.

I shed tears. Were they tears of joy? I'm not sure. I was so thankful for that moment that I just had the feeling of crying (a little bit though haha).

Maybe I cried because the fact that the concert was about to finish made me sad.

Whatever, I had one of the best days of my life so far! :)

P.S The band has just uploaded a new version of my favorite song from the album, so I encourage you to check it out! It's called Take on The World hahaha SPAAAAM 


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