
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2017

Take on the World

Just say the word, we'll take on the world Just say you're hurt, we'll face the worst... No voy a mentir. No puedo entenderte. Ojalá lo hiciera, pero jamás sabré por lo que has pasado. Ni podré imaginarme lo que es estar en tu piel por un día, por una hora, por un minuto. Quizás no te conozco mucho, quizás no te conozco nada, pero noto tu dolor. Le restas importancia, pero sigue ahí, en tus noches en vela y en tus miradas desteñidas. Puedes contarme qué te preocupa, no te voy a juzgar. Porque si estás mal intentaré ayudarte, aunque seguramente acabe yo peor por no saber cómo hacerlo. Mi cerebro trabajará como una locomotora humeante para descubrir de qué manera hacerte sentir mejor, pero seguiré pensando que molesto y agobio, y que en realidad no quieres ninguno de mis estúpidos consejos ni mis palabras de aliento. Sé que te has dado cuenta de que doy demasiada importancia a que estés bien. Soy así, qué se le va a hacer. A veces me preocupo demasiado y otras ...

April 8 - DAY 13

Turn, turn, turn For many of us, winter is blooming into spring, or fall hardening into winter. Which season do you most look forward to? Red, yellow, brown, I guess I don't need more words, three colors describe the season I love the most. Red, yellow, brown, Halloween is near, hope you have your costume or I'll cut your ear. Red, yellow, brown, don't hate this poem, 'cause winter is coming and Starks will be my totem. I know this is a shitty poem, I just wanted to do something different, haha.

April 7 - DAY 12

Alma mater You’ve been asked to speak at your high school alma mater — about the path of life. (Whoa.) Draft the speech. Dear teachers and students, but specially teachers, Yes, I address to you because I have to confess something: I have no idea what the path of life is. I'm sorry if I have disappointed you. I know you expected great things coming from me because I was one of the best students, but it's been almost four years since I left these walls and I am as lost as when I said goodbye. I was excited to go to university because I thought that I would become a complete different person, and I would leave behind some aspects of me that I didn't like. But I've realized that my life hasn't change that much . Yeah, I have learnt many things, I am more responsible, (I think) I have developed critical thinking and so on, but I don't think I have experimented how university shapes my path of life. I am the same seventeen-year-old girl, whether I like...

April 6 - DAY 11

Third from the top Head to your favorite blog. Scroll down to the third post in the list. Take the third sentence in the post, and work it into a new post of your own. Since I don't have a favorite blog, I'll do a different thing today. I've skipped three song on Spotify; the result has been  Larger Than Life by BackStreet Boys (haha) and the third sentence is "but let me tell you now". Let's see how this is going to end... But let me tell you now This post is dedicated to all those people reluctant to go to a vegan restaurant. First, I am not vegan or vegetarian. I eat meat and fish, but not as much as three years ago.  I was like you before: I thought that vegan people wanted everyone to stop eating animals, and judged me by not doing so. But then I met my vegetarian friends (luv u girls), who taught me that there are vegan/vegetarian (or not) people who don't give a **** about your diet. I started to listen to the reasons why ...

April 5 - DAY 10

Share the love Tell us about another blogger who has influenced your own online journey. The only blogger who influenced me was Lidia from On Top of the World  ♡ She was so kind to me when I started posting shitty  things and I treat(ed) her as a role model, because I wanted my blog to be as good as hers. We exchanged our e-mails and made an interview to each other so that you could know more about her, and her followers could know who I was. She was my "fairy godmother" in a kind of project she singed me in and I admired her willingness to write and to direct movies haha. She was my very first follower, supported me when I thought that this blog was not going to work, leaved many positive and encouraging comments and, in short, was a true fallen angel haha Lidia, if you ever read this, thank you for everything you did for me :) Suri Helyer

April 4 - DAY 9

The transporter Tell us about a sensation — a taste, a smell, a piece of music — that transports you back to childhood. I don't remember much of my childhood. It might seem weird but I just have general memories, for example, memories of me watching Inuyasha and Doraemon . I was about to say that nothing reminds me of my childhood, buuuut I've just realized that there's a piece of music which I connect to a trip I did to Paris when I was seven years old. I went to Disneyland and t he only attraction ride I remember about was "It's a Small World"; a ride around the globe where dolls dance and sing to a song. Here you have the video of the song: If you've been there you'll know that this song repeats itself again, again and again along the tour. I was so in love with the ride  — it was almost the only place I had access to, because I was not tall enough to go on other kinds of rides  — that I convinced my family to have anothe...

April 3 - DAY 8

Escape! Describe your ultimate escape plan (and tell us what you’re  escaping from). Today I wanted to escape from an oral presentation, the midterm of my degree dissertation. Oh, sweet irony... The thing is, one day I'll pack all my things, including Stitch, my laptop and my notebooks, and I'll run away from here. I'd love to go to Canada and live under a bridge if necessary, but I'd probably stay at my auntie's in Seville or at my brother's in Bern. My pockets are empty, so "thinking big" wouldn't help me that much... I have to be realistic, but I don't like it, though. I've been planing this for many, many years, when I realized that I didn't fit in anywhere. Don't misinterpret me; I love my family and the few true friends I have, but I don't think I belong in here. I feel different, misunderstood, and I want to explore the world and find the right place where I can be happy with myself.  I did the Erasmus h...

April 2 - DAY 7

Prized possession Describe an item you were incredibly attached to as a child.  What became of it? As a child (I was seven or eight years old) I created a special emotional bond with my cuddly dog , Stitch. At that time I felt pretty alone and misunderstood and I didn't have any pets (except for a parakeet), so when my brother brought Stitch home, I felt that he was the missing piece I needed. I called him Stitch because I was in love with Lilo and Stitch (ofc) and I felt identified with Lilo. When Stitch came to her life, she changed and her life was full of colors, so I thought that I could be happier, too. I slept with Stitch for many, many years, and whenever I was scared of thunderstorms he was there for me. I also called him "mi Compitrueno", because of the movie  TED . I brought him to a friend's house and her dog bit him and tousled him ( damn dog ). He had surgery many times and his recovery lasted a year or so. He lost an eye and the nose bu...

April 1 - DAY 6

The social network Do you feel like you “get” social media, or do you just use it  because that’s where all your friends and family are? Twitter and I are meant for each other. I spend my day logged in, although I'm not tweeting 24/7. I rather live in the shadows... On the other hand, I use Facebook to stay in touch with my family and friends and to watch cooking videos. Tasty, I love you. I also use Instagram when I'm bored and I want to know how wonderful other people's lives are. It's almost the only social media that keeps me connected to "the real world." My friends and I send memes to each other and sometimes we post a picture. And of course I use Whatsapp (my precious friend Whatsapp) all the time~